All stock is hand selected by Michael Massarella.

Orders can be placed online or by calling Michael on 07708-258-879 or 07708 259-260. 

Stock bird sexes believed correct, but not 100% guaranteed. 

Any complaints or queries about an order must be made within the first 14 days of receiving your pigeons. Any returns or swaps will incur a half carriage fee.

Transfer cost are £2 per 6 birds, as stated by the RPRA. If you wish to have your birds transferred online, please provide us with your email and loft number when purchasing. 

All carriage costs into England, Wales and Scotland are set by our couriers High Flyers.

All older stock is vaccinated in October yearly. Young birds are vaccinated on the day of despatch. All stock birds are pre wormed and given an anti-canker treatment prior to despatch. Here at Massarella Racing Elite we not only vaccinate with Noblis Paramyxo we also vaccinate with Noblis Salanvac T to prevent from salmonella. 

All feed is mixed onsite and consisting of locally grown wheat, barley, oil seed rape, blue dunn maple peas, tic beans and maize. N0 pellets are given. Five different grits and black minerals are before them at all times. 

The Massarella Racing Elite Showroom is open by appointment only.